Organisational learning stimulates business success
Now more than ever, high quality, knowledgeable and motivated employees are key to customer satisfaction and the success of your organisation.
Successful organisational learning (also known as enterprise learning) is about delivering engaging knowledge and ensuring it is applied. This can be challenging and costly, especially if you are dealing with hundreds or thousands of employees across multiple locations. Our bespoke organisational learning systems can help you provide your employees with a manageable and cost saving global learning platform.
“Skills development and knowledge sharing across our business are crucial and in 2009 our online academy was set up with the help of In2itive.”
Organisational learning that informs, inspires and retains talented people
You need to get the best out of your people at all levels in your organisation. We can help you deliver continuous web based learning and development for
- Employee inductions
- Systems and processes
- Compliance and regulatory requirements
- Customer service
- Management skills and senior executive development
- Product knowledge
- Technical skills
You can measure results, identify and respond to skills gaps and improve performance. This results are a positive and lasting impact such as training delivery efficiency, higher staff motivation and improved staff retention.
Organisational learning that efficiently manages onboarding, induction and compliance training
Onboarding and induction training, new legislation, industry regulations and internal policies are essential parts of many businesses. We can help you transform your existing onboarding, induction and compliance training into accessible anywhere, engaging and measurable e-learning material that you can deliver promptly and efficiently online.
Organisational learning that reduces training costs
You no longer need to rely entirely on individual trainers delivering to a room full of people. That requires costly organisation, travel, accommodation, event management, administration and entire teams off the ‘shop floor’.
With our enterprise learning services your employees can learn anywhere, at their own pace without relying on the presence of expensive individual trainers. You can also have all training resources in a single consolidated system which helps put important training information at your fingertips. This is far better than your training material being inefficiently and frustratingly spread across multiple locations, systems or paper files.
Organisational learning that manages, tracks and reports on employee training
Training management and administration can be challenging when many employees work in different roles across different locations. Staff may even speak different languages!
With enterprise learning systems you can easily access data that can help you manage teams effectively. At the touch of a button you’ll have information like who has learned what and how they performed.